Tesla Doubles Supercharging Referral Bonus To 2,000 Free Miles In Q3 Sales Push

Electric Vehicles
First Supercharger

Published on September 10th, 2019 |
by Chris Boylan

Tesla Doubles Supercharging Referral Bonus To 2,000 Free Miles In Q3 Sales Push

September 10th, 2019 by Chris Boylan

Tesla’s referral program has been an effective tool for the company to promote car sales. By using a referral code or link to order your new Tesla, both you (the buyer) and the referring owner get free Supercharging. Until today, that bonus was 1,000 miles of free Supercharging for buyer and referrer. But Tesla just announced that it is doubling that bonus to 2,000 free Supercharging miles for any Tesla car ordered on or after September 10, 2019 and delivered before October 1, 2019. Tesla has also extended this 2,000 mile Supercharging bonus to those who order a Tesla solar power system before October 1.

It looks like Tesla is hoping to goose car deliveries in the last month of the third quarter, so it’s offering this improved incentive to prospective new customers. Unlike previous referral bonuses which only required that the car be ordered by the deadline, this time, Tesla is requiring that the car be delivered by the deadline. So those who want to take advantage of this offer may need to select an available “inventory” model from their local Tesla showroom. Though, Tesla has tightened up its delivery rates lately, so it is possible that you could custom order a Tesla today and have it delivered with your exact specifications by the October 1 deadline.

If you are an existing Tesla owner, now may be a good time to share your referral code with friends and family. Better yet, take them for a test drive in your Tesla, and if you trust them, let them take the wheel. Nothing sells Tesla better than a Tesla. You can also use your own referral code if you’re buying a second (or fifth!) Tesla.

If you’re not yet a Tesla owner and are about to order one, contact a friend or family member who owns a Tesla and ask for their referral code. If you don’t know anyone with a Tesla, feel free to use my referral (below), so we can both benefit from the 2,000 miles for free charging.

Tesla Referral Program - September 2019

Tesla has juiced up its referral program for the remainder of Q3, offering 2,000 free Supercharging miles with any new Tesla vehicle delivered by October 1, 2019.

If you order over the phone, you can use referral code “christopher55570.”

As a referring owner or new Tesla buyer, your free miles will show up in the “Loot box” in the Tesla mobile app. Miles earned in the Tesla Referral Program expire after six months. However, the expiration date is extended by an additional six months with each new referral (up to a maximum of 36 months from the most recent referral date). So you could theoretically get unlimited Supercharging for life as long as you refer a new Tesla buyer once every six months.

Tesla’s Supercharger network currently has over 14,000 charging stalls worldwide, with new charging stations added every month. You can get a quick top-off in 10–15 minutes or a full charge in about an hour. Charging rates vary per model and per charging station. Charging rate also depends on your battery’s current SOC (State of Charge) — the car charges much faster when the battery is close to empty and gradually slows as the battery nears its capacity.

If you map out a long-distance trip using Tesla’s onboard navigation, the car will include Supercharger stops along the way automatically, so you’ll never have to worry about running out of juice. You can also find current and planned Supercharger locations here on the Tesla website: www.tesla.com/supercharger

Supercharging is fun!

Supercharging your Tesla is like gassing up your car, only without the carbon guilt (or the smell). Photo by Chris Boylan.

Although Tesla didn’t specify details in the announcement, we expect the referral bonus to drop back to 1,000 free miles for cars delivered after October 1, 2019. Find out more about the Tesla Referral Program.

Follow me on Twitter @MrBoylan

About the Author

Chris Boylan is an EV and alternative fuel enthusiast who has been writing about technology since 2003.

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