Customers test “eActros”: Daimler plans to mass-produce electric trucks from 2021

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Customers test “eActros” Daimler plans to build electric trucks from 2021 onwards

Mercedes-Benz eActros im Einsatz


Mercedes-Benz eActros in action

Daimler comes with the preparations for a series production of the 2016 featured heavy electric trucks Ahead. Ten customers this year will test ten of the intended for urban delivery traffic vehicle “eActros” announced Daimler Trucks chief Martin Daum on Wednesday.

The pilot customers, including the food chain Edeka and the delivery service Hermes, test the real operation for twelve months. Thereafter, another one-year test round with other users is planned.

“Together with our customers, we now want to develop our Mercedes-Benz eActros quickly so that it meets the rigors of day-to-day operations – technically and economically,” said Daum. The series and market maturity of the trucks with 18 and 23 tons total weight is aimed at 2021. A year ago, Daimler had announced that it would be ready for mass production by 2020.

Daimler’s light electric truck “Fuso eCanter” is already being tested

Daimler Trucks has been on the market in the USA since September with a lighter electric truck: The parcel service UPS is one of the first customers to use the United States “Fuso eCanter” ordered and brought to the street. The electric van with a range of up to 100 kilometers and a top speed of 80 kilometers per hour is a joint development Daimler and Mitsubishi and similar to the “StreetScooter” The Deutsche Post is primarily intended for the city area and the nearer urban environment.

For a good two weeks, first copies of the “Fuso eCanter” also traveling in Europe, Its customers include the logistics companies Dachser, Schenker, Rhenus and DHL. The series production is to succeed from 2019.

Other truck manufacturers are also working on electric trucks to curb pollutant emissions caused by diesel traffic. So wants the VW subsidiary MAN also from 2021 to bring larger quantities of e-trucks on the market.

In November, US electric car maker Tesla had announced a serious electric truck called “Tesla Semi” to offer from 2019. In contrast to the Daimler and MAN models, the truck is intended for long-haul flights of up to 800 kilometers and, at 36 tons, heavier than the “eActros”.

Reiss with Reuters

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