Subaru Corporation Announces Production, Japan Sales and Export Resultsfor August 2019 (Flash Report)

September 27, 2019

Subaru Corporation Announces Production, Japan Sales and Export Results
for August 2019 (Flash Report)

< August 2019 >

August 2019 Jan-Aug 2019
Units 2019 vs 2018 Units ’19 vs ’18
Domestic production *1


-4.3% First decrease in 4 months


Overseas production *2


-42.2% First decrease in 2 months


Global production total


-20.9% First decrease in 2 months


Passenger vehicles 8,170 -3.8% First decrease in 2 months 74,757 -5.5%
Mini vehicles 1,914 +12.5% 2nd consecutive month of increase 17,582 -12.0%
Japan sales total 10,084 -1.1% First decrease in 2 months 92,339 -6.8%
Export total *3


-22.4% First decrease in 4 months



< Production >

Domestic production decreased as production of Impreza and Subaru XV declined.
(The Gunma plant was operated on the revised operation schedules applied since November 2018.)
Overseas production decreased as production volume of the all-new Legacy and Outback models was controlled in order to ensure quality of new vehicles before ramp-up. (Production of the two models started at the end of July.)

< Sales in Japan >

Passenger vehicle sales decreased as sales of Impreza and other models declined.
Mini vehicle sales decreased as sales of Chiffon and other models declined.

< Exports >

Exports from Japan decreased for reasons related to shipping vessel schedules.

*1 JAMA (Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association Inc.) report basis (CBU)
*2 Local line-off basis
*3 JAMA report basis


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