e-range developed by Toyota

Toyota has further developed its Autonomous E-Shuttle e-palette for the 2020 Olympics.

The concept of the e-palette has Toyota on the CES 2018 first presented to the public. This is an autonomous e-shuttle, which now drives around to level 4.

e-Palette Version Olympische Spiele

e-palette version Olympics. Source: Toyota

Toyota is one of the support companies for the Olympics. For example, you can do some robot and also vehicles, One wants to score especially with automated vehicles. So you have developed 20 vehicles that curve through the Olympic Village. During the development one consulted with the sportsmen, who brought their wishes with.

The concept e-palette symbolizes Toyota’s change from the manufacturer to the mobility service provider. It should enable new business models and is at the heart of the mobility service Monetwhich includes some Japanese manufacturers. The vehicle is up to 20 km / h level-4 ready and for safety is a driver on board, which also helps the passengers.

The vehicle will be officially presented at the Tokyo Motor Show later this month. The e-palette with its cuboid shape is modeled on the trend of the time.

The seats are adjustable in height. The vehicle helps people who suffer from color blindness by choosing colors, and it has an “arrival control” system with electric ramps for wheelchairs, Four people with wheelchairs and two standing people, fit into the Autonomous Vehicle. Otherwise, 20 people including the safety officer can ride in the vehicle.

Navigation is done using classic sensors and an HD card. Externally, it communicates with the headlights, which imitate eye contact. The battery power is enough for about 150 kilometers and it drives around 20 km / h.

About David Fluhr

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact: mail@autonomes-fahren.de

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