I Invest In Tesla Because I Believe In Elon Musk


Published on October 5th, 2019 |
by Johnna Crider

I Invest In Tesla Because I Believe In Elon Musk

October 5th, 2019 by Johnna Crider

Image: screenshot of Tesla stock summary from Google.com

I invest in Tesla because I believe in Elon Musk, and what he and Tesla are doing for our world. There’s more, though. I am writing this because I want to address something I’ve seen in my Twitter feed all too often.

First of all, I am not a stockbroker and am I not giving stock buying advice. I’m just sharing my story, what I’ve seen and how and why I am investing. I am a small shareholder of Tesla, meaning that I don’t own that many shares. However, I have become friends through Twitter with people who own much more stock in Tesla.

The waves that Tesla is making will eventually become tsunamis of change. This change is what people are afraid of. This is why, in my opinion, the stock is moving as if caught in the winds of a hurricane.

Tesla is a volatile stock. When a company is out there making really big waves, those waves have to go somewhere. Sometimes they splash back onto the source making those waves. In this case, Tesla is making waves in the market by affecting major industries — oil, autos, and energy. This means that the stock will be like that of riding the Blue Hawk at Six Flags. It’s going to be intense, and watching the price movements on a day-to-day basis could be insanely stressful for those who have invested everything they have into Tesla, or at least a lot of money.

A year ago, I’d just barely begun to learn about the stock end of Tesla. I didn’t know about the symbols, didn’t really understand what shorting a stock meant, and, honestly, I thought Elon was just being weird when he talked about burning shorts. Why burn shorts? Just donate them to a shelter or thrift store. That was what was going through my head.

As a student of life, as my mentor always said we all are, we are always on a learning path. A master or teacher of a topic is just someone who is a bit further ahead of you on whatever path of knowledge you are own. In this case, who actually knows where Tesla and TSLA are headed?

Last year, I went through a dramatic life change that took me by surprise, leaving me adrift and emotionally devastated. When Elon took the time to be kind to me — a stranger who he didn’t have to do that for — it just fueled my belief in him. From my own perspective, Elon Musk isn’t just a role model who is trying to make a difference, he is someone who is making a difference despite those gigantic waves coming back on to him. My thought was, how can I, someone who just started a minimum wage job, help someone like Elon Musk?

That’s when I discovered investing. I started with apps like Stockpile, but the fees were too much. So I saved up the money and used the Robinhood app to make my first purchase of Tesla in November of last year. It was a late birthday present to myself, but also my way of giving back to not just Elon Musk, but to a community of supporters who love Tesla, SpaceX, and Elon Musk. This is a community that offered me friendship and knowledge, and kept me grounded. By purchasing the stock, to me, I am taking part in helping Tesla reach its goals of advancing us to a sustainable future. I did it because I wanted to support something larger than myself.

Investing Isn’t For Everyone, And Here’s Why

What I want to address is the panic over the stock price’s movements. If you are worried that you are going to lose money, then straight up, you should not invest. In fact, if you don’t have a steady income and are struggling to meet your basic needs, you should not invest. If you want to do something to make a difference, you should build yourself up first. Society has taught some of us to put ourselves last, whether it’s taking care of loved ones or working nonstop because your job needs you when in actuality you are replaceable and they will replace you after you’ve worked yourself to death.

To build yourself up, you need to find something you love doing and make money doing it. I do with jewelry. My jewelry sales revenue is what I used to invest in Tesla. I make sure I have enough to buy more wire, gems and minerals, findings, and whatever else I need first. Then I divide what’s left into two parts. One part is a gift to myself — because I believe in rewarding myself for my own hard work. The other part is for buying Tesla stock.

If you are in a situation where you are barely making ends meet, you need to build yourself up. How can we take care of others before we take care of ourselves?

To The Naysayers & Worriers, I Say This

invest in teslaImage: screenshot from Robinhood app

I’ve often seen messages from TSLA short sellers saying, “Thank you for your money,” or other tweets that jeer at me for investing in Tesla. I have a lesson for you. Money comes and goes. Sales come and go. I used to get so sad when I would miss a discount on beads at some of my vendors. Then, over time, I realized that they always have these sales. It’s the same thing with the stock. The price falls and rises so much that, really, it’s not a loss to me.

Money is like energy. Energy changes shape and form. In fact, money to many equals security. If I have all of my needs met, then am I really losing anything by investing extra into something I believe in? No. I’m not. I remember one time I lost $20. I was devastated that day. Then a week later I found $100 on the ground. The lesson: money comes and goes constantly.

For those who think the stock has nothing to do with actually helping Tesla, I think you’re wrong. True, I am still learning, but the continuous fluctuation of the stock keeps Tesla in the news — and for a company that doesn’t buy advertising, this is a good thing. The constant negative headlines attacking Tesla create more opportunities for owners and shareholders to start conversations that will lead to the truth. I invest in Tesla because I believe in Elon Musk and the Tesla mission.

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About the Author

Johnna Crider Johnna Crider is a Baton Rouge artist, gem and mineral collector, and Tesla shareholder who believes in Elon Musk and Tesla. Elon Musk advised her in 2018 to “Believe in Good.”

Tesla is one of many good things to believe in. You can find Johnna on Twitter

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