VW boss Diess wants to simplify Group structure: Report: Volkswagen is considering sale of Lamborghini

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The Wolfsburg car manufacturer Volkswagen is considering one Report of the news agency Bloomberg the sale his luxury brand Lamborghini. Considered alternatively, the brand to bring to the stock market, the agency reported, citing familiar people. Accordingly, Volkswagen is also preparing to convert Lamborghini into a legally independent entity. However, nothing is decided yet.

VW CEO Herbert Diess had announced last May to simplify the structure of the multi-brand empire. According to Bloomberg, he wants to concentrate on the core brands of the group – VW, Porsche and Audi.

Bloomberg analysts evaluate Lamborghini currently with up to 11 billion dollar – among other things because of good sales of the middle of 2018 introduced SUV model Urus. Volkswagen did not want to comment on the plans on Bloomberg request.

luk with Reuters

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