Iberdrola and Mercedes-Benz reach an agreement to promote sustainable mobility

October 14, 2019
Category: Faconauto News, partners

Iberdrola y Mercedes Benz impulsará la movilidad sostenible

With the signing of this alliance, the vehicle manufacturer will have Iberdrola electric mobility solutions.

Electric mobility is increasingly present in the Spanish and European automobile landscape. Despite having been positioned as one of the main ways to accelerate the ecological transition, it still has different obstacles for the consumer. To reduce these technological impediments, Iberdrola Y Mercedes BenzPromote sustainable mobility.

Thanks to this strategic agreement, it is intended to break barriers of entry to electrified mobility and promote la zero emissions ’circulation. In this way, the transition to the electric vehicle would be facilitated. With all this, different projects would be launched during the next 3 years.

Plans designed to promote sustainable mobility would be aimed at the domestic and business recharge segment. But the deployment of the public recharge network in the country would also be contemplated. For its part, Mercedes-Benz will include the solutions of the electric company in the process of marketing its vehicles.

Iberdrola, on the other hand, will supply and install charging points to all customers of the new EQ range and Mercedes-Benz electric vans in a flat-rate package.

A common goal: respect for the environment

“The agreement reached confirms the importance of collaborating with all the agents involved in sustainable mobility. We are responding to the challenges of sustainable mobility that must be based on clean energy and free of CO2 emissions, ”said Ángeles Santamaría, CEO of Iberdrola Spain.

On the other hand, the president of Mercedes-Benz Spain, Roland Schell, has also described the agreement reached as positive. “Our goal is to promote the transition from the combustion engine to the electric vehicle by facilitating the installation of the charging point in the sales process,” he said.

This agreement is included in the Sustainable Mobility project launched by Iberdrola. With it, the deployment of 25,000 electric vehicle charging points is planned until 2021.


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