A Message To The Tesla Community

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Tesla Model 3 Red LOVE Collage JRR | CleanTechnica

Published on November 4th, 2019 |
by Johnna Crider

A Message To The Tesla Community

November 4th, 2019 by Johnna Crider

Tesla Model 3 Red LOVE Collage JRR | CleanTechnica

I saw a thread on Twitter with a message to the Tesla community that I think needs to be taken to the next level. It’s a thread from Bonnie Norman, a Tesla shareholder and Tesla owner. Bonnie is reminding us that our actions matter, too. Every tweet, every action, every interaction we have online — it matters.

Many members of the Tesla community were a bit sad when Elon Musk went offline a few days ago. We actually don’t know if he plans to come back — maybe he just needed a break. Breaks are actually a good thing, especially if you are Elon Musk and are dealing with so much hate and negativity aimed your way for simply being you and helping the world.

Seeing a platform such as Twitter take sides with people who hate you is something one can not simply overlook. This is exactly what happened when Twitter permanently banned Omar Qazi from its platform after Qazi and “TSLAQ” had a few Twitter run-ins.

“TSLAQ” means “Tesla bankrupt.” The Q symbol in stock lingo means that whatever company it follows is bankrupt. Yes, we have a cult of people advocating for Tesla to go bankrupt and fail. This cult is basically allowed free reign on Twitter despite much abusive, rude, and potentially illegal conduct. This is wrong, unfair, cruel — but what is Twitter, and what is its purpose?

Let me remind you that Twitter is a tool. Twitter, like other social media platforms, is a tool. It’s a communication tool through which a company can communicate with its following, where a random person can share a meme with their favorite celebrity — someone they may never get to actually meet, but can still connect with. Twitter connects us with one another.

We can use this tool to encourage, inspire and uplift one another.

Bonnie’s Message To The Tesla Community

“Be patient w me here, this is a ‘mom thread’ … Lots of people who support Elon are justifiably *not happy* over constant attacks. Lots of tweets about haters. But w a lot of these tweets, changing just a few words to make it a TSLAQ tweet, it would be equally full of hate.

“Asking that in your zeal (shared w me) to stop the fud, to stop the character assassinations, to just stop the outright hate … that YOU, ME make sure we’re not just as guilty of the same thing.

“If you hate someone just because they’re TSLAQ, you may be missing out on good discourse. You dislike a journalist? Look at how you talk to them. Are you an example of ‘not much good on twitter’?

“Would you behave differently if you were tweeting under your name, if family & co-workers could read your tweets? If you’re in the camp of ‘everyone else needs to stop but I can say what I want because I’m RIGHT’, I’ve got a mirror to loan you. 🙂

“Just think about it. What you say & do reflects on the company you say you love. (I’m not expecting some huge change here — but hoping that maybe a couple of people will rethink.)

“Hating on haters isn’t going to bring about change.”

View Bonnie’s entire thread here.

My Thoughts

We are an international group of people with various backgrounds and reasons for supporting Tesla, but Bonnie is right. As a community, we are an extension of the company. Even if you are a random person in Louisiana (or wherever) who sometimes tweets about gems, minerals, and her new kitten with eyes the color of spectrolite named Tesla, your voice matters regardless of the message.

If you are a fan, supporter, shareholder, or owner of Tesla, then you are a part of the community and you represent Tesla. I agree with Bonnie wholeheartedly on this, and no, I am not perfect. I may have said some things while emotional. We all make mistakes, which are proof that we are trying. To be fair, I have been known to “pop off at the mouth” a time or two, especially on Twitter. Personally, I am trying to work on that.

What has been done to Elon Musk is wrong, but it will not stop just because we want it to. This isn’t the way the world works. Instead of leaving Twitter or hating those who mock and bully Elon, we can continue to build each other up. Twitter can be a huge distraction if you let it, but let us continue to connect with each other and build one another up.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ―Margaret Mead

Let’s zoom out and fully look at ourselves and determine how we can improve and become better people. Sure, we like to believe we are good people, but we are humans and sometimes our emotions do get the better of us. Try not to hate your enemies, because, in the end, you will end up just like them. Remember, we need to be mindful of our own emotional and mental wellbeing. The best way to do this is to not be like those who spread hate and injustice, who bully others.
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About the Author

Johnna Crider Johnna Crider is a Baton Rouge artist, gem and mineral collector, and Tesla shareholder who believes in Elon Musk and Tesla. Elon Musk advised her in 2018 to “Believe in Good.”

Tesla is one of many good things to believe in. You can find Johnna on Twitter

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