Tesla Model X Was Set On Fire In Germany (But Don’t Jump To Conclusions)


Published on November 11th, 2019 |
by Johnna Crider

Tesla Model X Was Set On Fire In Germany (But Don’t Jump To Conclusions)

November 11th, 2019 by Johnna Crider

A Tesla Model X was set on fire in Germany last week.

Imagine driving out of town — or in the case of this Tesla owner, out of the country — for business, and while you’re out of your hometown, someone sets fire to your vehicle just outside your rented home while you are sleeping. Not only did you just lose your car, but you have to plan a way to get home as well.

This is exactly what happened to the owner of a Tesla Model X whose car was set on fire in Germany last week. The Model X was charging overnight at a station a few meters away from the owner’s rented apartment. Well, technically, Den Dal’s fiancee is the owner of the Model X. He used her car since it’s a lot cheaper than gasoline or diesel cars on long-distance trips.

Imagine, your car or your partner’s car being set on fire as you sleep nearby. The fact that we have people out there cruel and bold enough to commit such a heinous crime just shows how heartless some people can be.

Police confirmed that this was a criminally created fire. There’s been a lot of speculation about whether or not this was to start rumors about battery fires, but others in the area have mentioned that there have been vandals and delinquents starting fires in the same area. The Model X was just one of a few fires.

Dal said the Model X was 14 months old. This means his family doesn’t get full purchase price coverage and they will lose the Dutch tax benefits if they purchase another one.

Usually, when a bad thing is done to people, many randomly accuse others while not knowing the facts. Some put the blame on immigrants, others far-right Nazis, while others speculate about TSLAQ. The truth is, at this moment, we don’t know who set these fires or why.

Other interesting matters come up with someone buying a new Tesla after an incident like this. Den Dal told me that he thinks it is fair that if someone pays for Full Self Driving (FSD) in advance and their car is destroyed, then that FSD should be transferable. (He had Enhanced Autopilot, not FSD.) In his case, he does also have hope that his insurance will cover everything.

“We love the car. But not sure if we can afford a new one due to changed tax laws. So it depends on the insurance company. Also not sure if it is a total loss,” he tells me.

One thing we should all keep in mind with this, whether we are curious about connections to TSLAQ or targeted Tesla vandalism, is that this is a family that lost their car and are dealing with a lot. I truly hope that the insurance company does the right thing, and I also hope that Elon Musk considers the option to make services such as FSD transferable for those whose cars are destroyed and may have to buy a new one. Elon has been known to listen to the needs of his customers — it’s one thing that makes him a great leader.
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About the Author

Johnna Crider Johnna Crider is a Baton Rouge artist, gem and mineral collector, and Tesla shareholder who believes in Elon Musk and Tesla. Elon Musk advised her in 2018 to “Believe in Good.”

Tesla is one of many good things to believe in. You can find Johnna on Twitter

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