Study: Autonomous weapon systems on the rise

A study by the peace institution Pax shows that more and more companies are producing autonomous weapon systems.

There are several groupings that are outlawing Autonomous weapon systems demand. But the development continues unabated, according to a study by Pax from the Netherlands.



Not only armament companies are working on the development of Artificial intelligence for the war effort, also young enterprises and IT companies sit at the technology. Above all, the US and Israel are, according to the study, the financiers for the war industry. But China, Russia, Poland and Turkey would increase their commitment.

It will be drones For example, equipped with face recognition and could so plunge into alleged terrorists. Such a project is being promoted in Turkey. The undemocratic country could use the technology against Kurdish leaders.

The killing is left to the artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, the Remote control by humans always less important. The autonomous systems could be sent out as swarms and – in the case of dictatorships like Turkey – also against non-combatants. One Video from opponents of technology this already showed up some time ago.

Various organizations and countries are calling for international proscription of these weapons, but without success.

About David Fluhr

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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