Fraunhofer joins the Cyber ​​Valley

The Cyber ​​Valley in Baden-Württemberg is growing: the Fraunhofer Institute ILO and IPA.

The Cyber ​​Valley was founded in 2016 by companies in the automotive industry and research institutes and is said to be Silicon Valley in things Artificial intelligence become. Well-known companies, like Amazon, have joined in the meantime. Now the Fraunhofer Institute is joining.

Fraunhofer Institut IAO Stuttgart

Fraunhofer Institute IAO Stuttgart

The Fraunhofer Institute provides the capacities of the research center “Learning Systems”. This expands Europe’s largest research project in the field of artificial intelligence. This technology is not only integral to autonomous driving but, under the heading of Industry 4.0, is increasingly becoming a significant economic factor.

The Learning Systems research center has been part of the Cyber ​​Valley since October 1, with 20 researchers and funding of € 10 million by 2022, with a focus on manufacturing, services and basic research. The goal of AI technology is to provide technology for humans, which also involves the acceptance of technology. That’s how you research in the areas data protection, Robustness, security, technical transparency and certification,

The Cyber ​​Valley serves as the basis for the exchange between research and business and is a basis for startups in the field.

About David Fluhr

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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