200,000 Tesla Cybertruck Pre-Orders — #NoDemand

Autonomous Vehicles

Published on November 25th, 2019 |
by Johnna Crider

200,000 Tesla Cybertruck Pre-Orders — #NoDemand

November 25th, 2019 by Johnna Crider

It seems like everyone wants a Tesla Cybertruck. Whoever said there was no demand for this truck is completely clueless. I have seen several tweets from people saying they are getting one or have pre-ordered one. I even plan to reserve one once some personal issues are out of the way (divorce). However, seeing many people I interact with daily — such as Viv, Michell, Vincent, and Sofiaan — share their screenshots and excitement about purchasing the Cybertruck almost made me give in and order it now.

As of yesterday, according to Elon Musk, there have been 200,000 orders of the Tesla Cybertruck. These numbers are going to grow as more and more people talk about it and watch the videos.

Perhaps unveiling a new truck, bringing it on stage, and beating it up was a very smart thing to do. I do think it was hilarious they broke the windows. Actually, the windows didn’t break, they just cracked really badly. In my experience, dropping something as hard as a quartz crystal can shatter glass. Seeing steel balls being thrown at the glass and it not shattering was really unreal. It would be something cool to see in the next Fast and Furious movie, for sure. I bet they would have fun wrecking the Cybertruck.

The demand for Tesla’s new Cybertruck is not only high, but I think it may have broken the internet. People are still talking about it, and even Safelite Autoglass is using it to promote their product. It’s actually pretty funny and just shows why Tesla doesn’t need to advertise. Simply drive up, break some glass, and the internet does it for you.

[Editor’s note: For the record, I have a small glass chip on my Model 3 glass roof — from a rock flying at it on the Interstate — and Safelight told me they don’t deal with Tesla glass roofs. 😛 Repair has to be done at Tesla and reimbursed. 😐 ]

The funny thing is the claims that no one wants a Cybertruck. There is absolutely no demand, just like Little Tesla doesn’t want to attack my toes or anything else that moves. (Little Tesla is a kitten, by the way, and kittens love toes and anything else that moves). Since there is zero demand for Tesla’s hot new Cybertruck, I am going to show you several nonexistent tweets by people who want and pre-ordered a Tesla Cybertruck. There were also some funny tweets in there. Of course, this is a tiny subset of the 200,000 pre-orders.

One thing for sure is that everyone is talking about Tesla’s Cybertruck, and since the holiday season is pretty much here, I can already guess as to what people will be talking about at the Thanksgiving table and what people are getting for Christmas in a couple of years. Who needs to pay for advertising when you can break the internet? With that in mind, the demand for Tesla is definitely there. I can’t wait to see a bunch of Cybertrucks on the roads in the next few years.

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About the Author

Johnna Crider Johnna Crider is a Baton Rouge artist, gem and mineral collector, and Tesla shareholder who believes in Elon Musk and Tesla. Elon Musk advised her in 2018 to “Believe in Good.”

Tesla is one of many good things to believe in. You can find Johnna on Twitter

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