The Tesla Model 3 Deemed Car Of The Year In Norway

This comes as no surprise since the Model 3 is outselling all cars by a long shot.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article comes to us courtesy of EVANNEX, which makes and sells aftermarket Tesla accessories. The opinions expressed therein are not necessarily our own at InsideEVs, nor have we been paid by EVANNEX to publish these articles. We find the company’s perspective as an aftermarket supplier of Tesla accessories interesting and are happy to share its content free of charge. Enjoy!

There’s no doubt the people of Norway love their electric cars. But the Tesla Model 3 has quickly risen to become the most beloved of them all since its first appearance in the country earlier this year. And now, there’s even more proof the Model 3 is a fan favorite in Norway.

Norwegians vote Tesla Model 3 their car of the year.

Above: Norwegians vote Tesla Model 3 their car of the year (Source:

In a recent survey by Norway’s media outlet,, the people of Norway chose Tesla Model 3 as their favorite car for 2020. It turns out that the Model 3 received an overwhelming 32% of the votes — an amazing stat considering the long list of electric and combustion engine cars currently sold in Norway.

Above: Recent survey results for Norway’s favorite car (Source:

In 1969, Volkswagen sold 16,669 cars in Norway. Fast forward 50 years and Tesla has now broken the record with 17,341 cars (as of the time of this writing) and the year hasn’t even come to an end yet. This figure includes 1,110 Model S, 1,810 Model X, and 14,411 Model 3 vehicles registered in Norway. 


The article states why Norwegians prefer Tesla Model 3 over other cars (via Google Translate):

It is the sum of price, practicality, safety and electric range that makes the Model 3 so attractive. Norwegians clearly state that they would like to choose an emission-free car as the family’s main car if they get a good alternative at the right price. We feel that Model 3 hits well on what Norwegian families want.

The Norwegian EV registration table by (see below) shows the winner, Tesla Model 3, leading the second-ranked VW e-Golf by 5,285 units in 2019. For further perspective, a former winner, the Nissan LEAF, was only able to accumulate ~50% of the sales of Tesla’s Model 3.

Another table from shows the current mix of Tesla Model 3 vehicles sold in Norway including model year, color, and variants. Looking at this table, the most popular Model 3 variant in Norway was the Long Range All-Wheel-Drive (LR AWD). 

Above: All-time Tesla Model 3 registrations in Norway, last updated November 21st, 2019 (Source:

When it comes to color options for the Model 3, it’s evident that solid black was a favorite of the Norwegians followed by grey (midnight silver metallic). This could be due to the fact that before July, solid black was the default Model 3 color and didn’t include any extra charge. Later this year, Tesla made pearl white multi-coat the default color

Norway has become a haven for Tesla with the help of favorable government EV policies, a large and accessible Supercharger network, and a willingness of the masses to convert to electric cars for the betterment of future generations. So if you’ve never visited before, consider Norway as your next vacation destination — cited by many as “an electric vehicle paradise.”


Written by: Iqtidar Ali. An earlier version of this article was originally published on X Auto.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article comes to us courtesy of EVANNEX, which makes and sells aftermarket Tesla accessories. The opinions expressed therein are not necessarily our own at InsideEVs, nor have we been paid by EVANNEX to publish these articles. We find the company’s perspective as an aftermarket supplier of Tesla accessories interesting and are happy to share its content free of charge. Enjoy!

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