December 5th, 2019 Blog Perception Blog: Technology Comparison – Flash and Scannin…

Perception Blog: Technology Comparison -Flash and Scanning LiDAR

A blog post by
David Brodie BSc (Eng), Sr. Project Manager of Perception and AI, LeddarTech®

My name is David Brodie. With this occasional blog, I hope to create a platform to exchange ideas on technology and solution related to perception. I hope to discuss a selection of topics, some at a high level and some in more technical detail.

To start with let’s consider a high-level analysis of one of the classic problems which every autonomous vehicle faces: detecting debris or small objects.

Consider first a classic scanning lidar that surveys its environment using several scan lines. Consider the following figure.

Figure 1: a scanning lidar’s view of the world

Theoretically, all four small objects could be detected. Objects 1 and 3 are detected as they are directly in the path of some scan line. Although object 2 is nearer than object 3 it is not detected as it falls between scan lines. Similarly, object 4 is not detected through in range as it too falls between scan lines. As a scanning lidar approaches a small object, the object will be detected and lost with increasing frequency until it is close enough to be hit by a scan line in every frame.

The following figure shows the same scene surveyed by a flash lidar like LeddarTech’s Pixell.

Figure 2: flash lidars view of the world

In this case, the entire field of view of the lidar is illuminated. Rather than detecting point reflections, the flash lidar detects reflections from a segment. Once an object becomes detectable it is continuously detected as there are no gaps in the illumination. There are challenges here too. Object 4 only fills a small section of the relevant area or “segment”. Object 3 is larger but split across multiple segments and so also only fills a small portion of each segment. It may not be easy to detect but with good beam steering and signal processing, it is possible. Once an object becomes detectable; it is reliably detected from then on.

Have a question about Leddar technology or Leddar sensors? An expert from LeddarTech will be happy to discuss it with you.

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