Waymo reaches 20 million test miles

Industry leader Waymo has reached the 20 millionth milestone.

Waymo tests it Autonomous driving for years and has now set a new record. The industry leader has now driven 20 million test miles autonomously on public roads.

Waymo Truck und Chrysler Pacifica

Waymo Truck and Chrysler Pacifica

Testing autonomous vehicles on the public road remains a form of verification that is necessary. You can also run tests on testing grounds or in the simulation carry out. Driving in the real world is seen by many as a sign of ability, but this is slowly being devalued by improved simulations. Because the sheer number would not be a success, some experts criticize. But Waymo boasts of the distance covered.

The ten million miles reached Waymo in October 2018. The new ten million came from trips to 25 cities. For example, Waymo tests in Novi in the State of Michigan, in Kirkland in the state of Washington, in Naples in Florida or in San Francisco in California.

The company previously said that it now had 600 vehicles. These are not only on the move for test purposes, however also carry passengers through the suburbs of Phoenix in Arizona. The road network of los Angeles, where you also want to start a robot taxi service soon. They also focus on the trucksthat one about the highways from Arizona.

The expansion of the robot taxi program is also part of the cooperation with Lyft to read and one increasingly dispenses with that security staff on board the vehicles. Furthermore, the test fleet around the new model I-Pace of JLR extended. But the majority of the vehicles are Fiat Chrysler Pacifica Models that are now also available in Lyft fleet integrated.

About David Fluhr

I have been writing about autonomous & connected driving since 2011 and also report on it on other sites, such as the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and have been an independent journalist since 2012. Contact: mail@autonomes-fahren.de

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