Smash & Smash — Tesla Model 3 Glass Holds Up To Hammer & Weighty SUV On Top (Videos)

Autonomous Vehicles

Published on January 5th, 2020 |
by Cynthia Shahan

Smash & Smash — Tesla Model 3 Glass Holds Up To Hammer & Weighty SUV On Top (Videos)

January 5th, 2020 by Cynthia Shahan

All-glass roof of Tesla Model 3 — looking above. Photo by Cynthia Shahan | CleanTechnica

Smash — the following two glimpses into untimely road risks confirm my fears of highway travel. Yet, in both cases, they make me oh so relieved that two of my grandchildren travel in a Tesla Model 3, as well as my son and his wife.

The Tesla Model 3 is well known for its scores in safety examinations in the US, Europe, and Australia, as well as from insurance investigations, but there’s something about seeing how it holds up in the real world that adds confidence.

In the first instance below, the driver walks away, seemingly fine, after a disastrous, grave accident. It appears she even has no fear reaching inside her Tesla Model 3 for something while the Toyota SUV that just ran over the roof of her Model 3 bears down with massive weight on the glass roof. The car remains in place, resting soundly on the glass. Yes, despite such an extreme incident, the Model 3 driver walks away on foot, wholly alive, and there is no array of flying glass as one might have guessed from such an accident. The glass roof is actually still intact.

It seems likely she ordered another Tesla.

Now for another freak accident, and a reminder why it is wise to avoid construction areas if possible. In this case, no apparent construction site was nearby, but a hammer was lying on the road when another car ran over it, flipping it into the air and making it fly directly into the windshield of the Model 3.

Thanks to a recent Tesla software update — the “honk to record” update — the owner was able to record the entire hazardous incident.

One hopes that you will never face such an accident, but thanks to Tesla’s focus on safety and its ongoing software improvements, if you are driving a Tesla, there’s at least extra assurance that the Tesla will protect you and record the scenario for any legal or insurance disputes.

Haven’t had enough? X Auto reported in December 2018 on one more smash into the windshield of a Tesla. “While Roaming on the freeway, a Tesla Model X got struck by a steel shaft that came out of nowhere, says the owner — Autopilot (Tesla’s semi-autonomous driver assistance software) took over until the driver came back from the mental shock and was able to drive.”

Again, it is also a relief that Tesla’s semi-autonomous driver assistance software takes up the slack when a driver freezes from shock or injury. Autopilot may be a driver’s best friend.

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About the Author

Cynthia Shahan Cynthia Shahan started writing by doing research as a social cultural and sometimes medical anthropology thinker. She studied and practiced both Waldorf education, and Montessori education. Eventually becoming an organic farmer, licensed AP, and mother of four unconditionally loving spirits, teachers, and environmentally conscious beings born with spiritual insights and ethics beyond this world. (She was able to advance more in this way led by her children.)

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