Electric mobility: VW only wants money from the state for a limited time

VW Elektroauto ID.3: Staatshilfe bei der "Initial-Zündung"

Julian Stratenschulte / DPA

VW electric car ID.3: State aid in the “initial ignition”

The car maker Volkswagen (VW) only sees the need for state subsidies for electric cars in the early days. “We are committed to the start phase of the switch to E-mobility to promote. That is necessary in order to implement economically sensible technological changes, “said Volkswagen Electric board member Thomas Ulbrich in an interview with the” Handelsblatt “. There are enough other examples from the past decades for this.

The state is helping with the “initial spark”, later funding is no longer necessary, said Ulbrich. VW expects subsidies to be reduced in the course of the first generation of new electric cars. Model cycles of seven years are common in the automotive industry.

Last week Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess caused a stir with a fire speech: VW is “in the middle of the storm” and would have to change to a technology company within a short time if it wanted to continue to be at the top of the world, said Diess.

la / dpa

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