MITER: Get to autonomous driving faster

MITER starts a laboratory for autonomous driving: MASE (Mobile Autonomous Systems Experimentation).

MITER is a research institution in the United States that is a non-profit organization of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was split off. The new research institute was named Mobile Autonomous Systems Experimentation, which is abbreviated MASE.

MASE should investigate ways of advancing the technology of autonomy. It is about autonomous driving in civil vehicles, but also in military, Furthermore, one researches on the automation of the drones and Aircrafts,

The experiment example is the MASE jeep. It is a Grand Cherokee jeep that has been expanded to include autonomous driving by a retrofit company and experts from MITER. In this way, the vehicle has the necessary sensors, computing power and data carriers.

First, you want to try out modern algorithms with the vehicle. The new institution has a test environment in which the hardware and software can be tested by the relevant experts. Depending on the test object, there are different teams with specialist expertise, but they can also work together.

MITER is a nonprofit research and development organization that works in the public interest of the United States and in the service of industry and science.

About David Fluhr

I have been writing about autonomous & connected driving since 2011 and also report on it on other sites, such as the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and have been an independent journalist since 2012. Contact:

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