Statistics: Autonomous test kilometers in Beijing

A poll in Beijing found that 77 autonomous vehicles drove over a million kilometers in 2019.

It is reminiscent of the DMV report. which was recently released. The Innovation Center for Intelligent Mobility (BICMI) Beijing asked the companies that are testing the technology in Beijing about the test kilometers traveled. In Beijing, too, the companies that have a test license there have to submit a report on failures and test kilometers.

Daimler erhält als erster internationaler Autobauer Genehmigung für Erprobung von vollautomatisierten Fahrzeugen auf öffentlichen Straßen in Peking

Daimler is the first international automaker to receive approval for testing fully automated vehicles on public roads in Beijing

77 vehicles from 13 companies test their vehicles in the metropolis: Audi.Baidu. Chongqing Jinkang, Didi. Daimler. NavInfo, NOK, Beijing New Energy, Beijing Sankuai,, Tencent and Toyota, Together, they reached 1.04 million kilometers in 2019. In 2018, eight companies only reached 153,600 kilometers.

Baidu alone, also mentioned in the DMV report, reached 754,000 kilometers in Beijing. is also testing in California and has covered 111,200 kilometers with five vehicles. Toyota reached third place with four vehicles at 11,100 kilometers.

The failures of the vehicles were not reported by company, but only that 86% of the failures were due to human service. In this way, routes were changed or breaks were taken. Only 14 percent of failures are due to technical failure.

The BICMI report is part of China’s strategy to promote technology. Recently, however, one had them roadmap postponed to introduce technology. In Beijing, 151 roads with a total length of over 500 kilometers have been opened for the tests.

Some Chinese companies operate Level 4 vehicles, although the classification in China differs slightly from the SAE categorization. This is how one speaks in China of T4.

About David Fluhr

I have been writing about autonomous & connected driving since 2011 and also report on other sites, such as the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and have been an independent journalist since 2012. Contact:

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