The automotive, committed to the state of alarm

March 16, 2020
Category: Featured News, Faconauto News, Press releases

El sector de la automociĆ³n comprometido con el Estado de Alarma y la lucha contra el coronavirus

We jointly prepare a shock plan with extraordinary measures to present to the Government, measures that guarantee the viability, competitiveness and employment in the sector, now and after this crisis

The coronavirus crisis has become one of the most serious and exceptional situations that Spain has experienced in its democratic history. That is why, given the declaration of the state of alarm, the automotive industry, which represents 10% of GDP and 9% of the active population, wants to reinforce its commitment to the country and to the solution to this very complicated situation.

Since Faconauto, together with Anfac, Sernauto and Ganvam, and in line with CEOE and Cepyme, the efforts of the Government and the coordination measures to guarantee the best possible management of this crisis are recognized. The measures to guarantee the transport of goods and the entry and exit of workers in the most demanding security conditions are supported. At the same time, it is guaranteed that the entire sector already complies, with the greatest responsibility, with all the regulations derived from the declaration of alarm status. Also with all the sanitary requirements to protect the population.

In addition, they want to express their support and thanks to all the groups that are working to fight against Covid-19 and to maintain stability and the indispensable resources in the populations. His work is crucial at these critical moments. It is our responsibility to facilitate your work.

A situation that needs an extraordinary response

However, this exceptional situation requires an extraordinary response. Not only at the health and social level but at the economic and labor level. And also for the industry and the automotive sector. Responses that allow us to overcome this gap and maintain the rhythm, competitiveness and employment of companies, once the state of alarm is lifted. The factories and commercial establishments of the sector are essential to maintain employment in many of the Spanish populations. Its maintenance is essential to preserve the economy, now and after this crisis.

Contingency plans, launched since the crisis in China, have allowed, with much effort, to maintain production. However, the current situation, in Spain and in Europe as a whole, is very worrying. It is already having a significant impact on the activity of our factories and establishments.

Shock plan with extraordinary measures

That is why the sector is already preparing a crash plan with extraordinary measures. These will reinforce those already approved by the Government. A rapid implementation of the above would help minimize the negative impact that this global crisis is already having for our industry. So that the viability, competitiveness and employment in the sector as a whole are guaranteed, now and in the months following the end of the state of alarm.

Urgent measures of a labor nature are needed, such as the simplification and streamlining of procedures in temporary employment regulation files and a wide range of other economic and fiscal measures. It will also be necessary to open and enable an extraordinary fund to help the sector for industrial and market recovery. As well as a subsequent reflection of the impact of this crisis on the implementation of European obligations in the sector.

As we have been doing for decades, the automotive sector will maintain its commitment and responsibility with the health and safety of its collaborators and employees and the whole of Spanish society. The sector is at the disposal of the Government and unions to jointly develop a plan of urgent and extraordinary measures for the sector.

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