Faconauto appeals to liability and recommends that dealerships remain closed

March 16, 2020
Category: Featured press, Faconauto News, Press releases

Faconauto apela a la responsabilidad y recomienda que los concesionarios permanezcan cerrados

He proposes that they enable an emergency service to ensure the mobility of sensitive people and sectors.

The management of the dealers, Faconauto, in accordance with its member associations, recommends the closure of all the facilities of the official network of dealerships dedicated to the sale and repair of vehicles in the national territory. This recommendation is made for 15 calendar days. The days that the government in which the alarm status will be applied.

In this way, points out Faconauto, the sector is committed to the demand and responsibility to society that businessmen are asked to stop the expansion of the coronavirus. At the same time, the integrity of its clients and its employees is safeguarded.

In addition, Faconauto recommends that dealers start an emergency service and equipment. With a telephone number enabled for this purpose, to provide support only to customers with sales and after-sales procedures in process. As well as priority repair and maintenance services. Especially for key sectors during the crisis, such as transportation and logistics, agriculture and healthcare.

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