Changan: Level 3 vehicle in series

The Chinese manufacturer Changan will roll off China’s first serial Level 3 vehicle.

The manufacturer’s semi-autonomous vehicle Changan has recently been presented. It is a sedan that has level 3 automation. This means that you can take care of other things for a short time while driving on the highway.

Already wanted in 2018 Audi launch such a car on the market with the A8. However, due to a lack of type approval, this failed and until today there is still no Level 3 car in Germany. That should change in the foreseeable future, because one is currently working on the Admission criteria for these models.

Above all the question of handing over is a hotly debated topic at this level of automation. Some manufacturers want this level right away skip and move on to level 4. Others want to recoup the research costs through the marketing of the technology and plan to monitor the travelers.

Changan has announced that the four-door sedan named UNI-T will be marketed in June. The car will have twelve ultrasound sensors, six cameras and five millimeter wave radars. At a speed of 40 km / h, you can take your hands off the steering wheel on the highway.

At higher speeds, the vehicle is able to maintain control, but the drivers must then act as a control body. If the person does not take control, the car goes into safe mode and stops.

According to the manufacturer, the system is over 50 million Test kilometers been tested on public roads. You also have one California license, but you don’t do any tests there.

About David Fluhr

I have been writing about autonomous & connected driving since 2011 and also report on it on other sites, such as the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and have been an independent journalist since 2012. Contact:

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