Levandowski is now found guilty

Anthony Levandowski pleaded guilty of stealing Google’s trade secrets.

First of all explained Levandowski innocent, but now he’s changed his mind. Already at the beginning of the Monthly, he was fined.

The incident happened in 2015 when Levandowski was still at that time Google (now Waymo) announced. He took documents to build one Lidar systems with and initially founded a company: Otto. This was bought by Uber and so the technology was also used at Uber.

in the process against Uber won Waymo and About had to pay a fine of $ 245 million in shares. Then Levandowski had to answer for himself in court.

Faced with the $ 179 million fine, he filed for bankruptcy to negotiate the debt. For this he took over the court costs of $ 756,500. With the admission he was reduced to 30 months in prison. Otherwise, ten years in prison could have been pronounced. What about the newly founded company Pronto.ai was not communicated.

Uber, too, is still nibbling on the offense, since they agreed to examine the vehicles for further Waymo technology. Here you became also found it, which could lead to additional costs.

About David Fluhr

I have been writing about autonomous & connected driving since 2011 and also report on other sites, such as the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at HU Berlin and have been an independent journalist since 2012. Contact: mail@autonomes-fahren.de

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