Fiat Chrysler to produce masks at one of its Asian factories

An FCA factory in Asia will be converted to make masks and it will quickly produce a million masks a month, writes Mike Manley, the boss of Fiat-Chrysler in a message quoted by Gianluca Ficco, of the UILM union.

Fiat Chrysler and Ferrari said last week that they were talking to the first manufacturer of artificial respirators in Italy to help it increase its production, while hospitals in the country, the most affected in Europe by the epidemic, are overwhelmed by the influx of patients.

FCA announced production halted in most of its European factories for the month of March. On March 18, production was also suspended at its North American factories.

With Reuters (Giulio Piovaccari; French version Bertrand Boucey, edited by Jean-Michel Bélot)

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