March 2020 strongest month so far: Purchase premium drives demand for electric cars to record highs

Ein elektrisch angetriebener BMW i3 in der Innenstadt von Leipzig

Jan Woitas / dpa central image

An electrically powered BMW i3 in downtown Leipzig

Last March, more applications were made for the electric car and plug-in hybrid purchase premium than ever in a month. A total of 12,365 people or companies registered with the responsible Federal Office of Economics and Export Control, as can be seen from the agency’s monthly figures in Eschborn. The previous record of a good 10,000 came from October 2019.

The main driver is likely to be in the second of February– Half decided increase in purchase premium have been. Their effects apparently outweighed possible braking effects from the corona crisis. In addition, catch-up effects are conceivable: in February there was a significant drop with only 5,632 applications.

3000 euros from the state for pure electric car

In March, applications for funding were made for 7,898 pure electric cars with battery drives. The number of plug-in hybrids was 4464. Both are records. Fuel cell vehicles still hardly play a role: 3 applications have been submitted for them.

The purchase bonus is intended to promote the sale of cars with electrified drives. The state now gives up to 3000 euros for purely electric cars with batteries or fuel cells, and up to 2250 euros for plug-in hybrids. In addition, the automakers must grant a discount of at least the same amount.

Since the start of the funding program in summer 2016, a total of 191,838 applications have been received – just under two thirds for pure electric cars. Most accounted for the BMW brand with 28,473 Show stock market chartfollowed by Renault Show stock market chart with 24,198 and Volkswagen common shares Show stock market chart with 23,893.

msc / dpa

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