AutoX starts official robot taxi service in Shanghai

The start-up AutoX has integrated its app into the Alibaba app area. The service is now officially on the market.

Nice Waymo has put its app online for using the robot taxi service, but can only be used by selected people. The Chinese start-up AutoX operates in the USA also a robot taxi service, but the commercial start was in China initiated.

Almost two weeks ago, AutoX had one Plant for robot taxis in Shanghai opened and with Didi Chuxing allied. Now it has been announced that the service has been made available as an app in the Alibaba app area under AutoNavi. The name for this is Gaode, the service will initially start in the Jiading district of Shanghai. You can order a car or a robot car via the app. The official start is on Friday, Labor Day. The vehicles are equipped with the necessary hardware including lidar and have the so-called “AI Driver”, which allows autonomous driving at level 4. The vehicles can drive at up to 80 kilometers per hour and are with 5G C-V2X networked.

About David Fluhr

I have been writing about autonomous & connected driving since 2011 and also report on other sites, such as the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at HU Berlin and have been an independent journalist since 2012. Contact:

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