Presidium of the supervisory board expanded to eight members: family shareholder Piëch moves into VW management circle

Hans Michel Piëch, Wolfgang Porsche (r).: Der größte Einzelaktionär von VW steigt in den Führungszirkel auf


Hans Michel Piëch, Wolfgang Porsche (r) .: The largest single shareholder of VW is promoted to the management circle

The supervisory board of Volkswagen has expanded his presidium. The group announced on Friday that Hans Michel Piëch would move into the closer management group of the control committee. Piech is spokesman for the family branch, which alongside Porsches at Volkswagen Show stock market chart sets the tone.

Bertina Murkovic was appointed to the committee on the employee side. She is the chairwoman of the works council of the VW commercial vehicle division. This increases the number of Presidium members by two to eight.

The committee includes the head of the supervisory board, Hans Dieter Pötsch, his deputy, IG Metall boss Jörg Hofmann, Wolfgang Porsche, the head of the works council, Bernd Osterloh, and Lower Saxony’s prime minister Stephan Weil. The state is the second largest shareholder behind the family holding company Porsche SE.

Volkswagen justified the expansion of the body with the increased number of tasks. The Presidium prepares the meetings of the Supervisory Board. Hans Michel Piëch is the indirectly largest single shareholder of Volkswagen through Porsche SE.

la / reuters

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