Michael Brecht: Daimler works council chief criticizes SPD for stance on car bonus

Michael Brecht

The general works council chairman criticizes the SPD.

(Photo: dpa)

Stuttgart After the No to a general car purchase bonus goes Daimler– General works council chief Michael Brecht especially with the SPD-Till hard in the court.

Brecht told the German press agency that he himself and his counterparts from the automotive and supplier industries were “pissed off”: “Die SPD-Spitze didn’t understand it. “

“A wave of rationalization is rolling towards the German auto industry massive to the jobs approach, ”said Brecht. The industry had invested in growth, and there was now a risk of overcapacity that could not be bridged for three or four years.

He does not understand why the SPD leadership of all people did not understand this and vehemently blocked the purchase package for low-polluting petrol and diesel vehicles in the economic stimulus package. The party leadership also did not seek dialogue with the works councils.

The large German manufacturers and the three “car countries” Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and Lower Saxony had spoken out in favor of subsidizing the purchase of cars with a pure combustion engine in order to boost the economy.

The SPD leadership in particular was strictly against it, although there had also been some critical voices from the Union.

95 percent of employees in the German auto industry worked on vehicles with conventional drives, said Brecht. There is only limited capacity for electric cars, sales have not been particularly high so far.

“Everything was ignored,” said Brecht. “If you think you can still do that Short-time work finance, that’s a variant, ”he criticized. “But we don’t want short-time work.”

More: The massive lobbying in the industry has been of no avail: the Grand Coalition only wants to promote cars with combustion engines through the back door.

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