Counter the IIHS study

The IIHS study on reduced accident prevention through autonomous driving is criticized by the industry.

Autonomous driving, some manufacturers promise, will increase road safety and reduce the number of accidents. Autonomous driving, so further arguments, would Vision Zero (no traffic fatalities) within reach.

Unfall Wagen

A study of insurance related IIHS unearthed another account. Only 30 percent of accidents, the study says, would be avoided by autonomous driving. Computer perception is better, but that would only account for 30 percent of accidents. Incorrect driving maneuvers and incorrect traffic scene assessments would not be avoided.

The companies in the industry criticize this study. One would have misjudged the capabilities of the technology. You can also eradicate these errors with autonomous driving. The technology makes fewer driving mistakes and can also react to them. This is how the organization Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE) to an accident reduction of 72 percent.

In general, however, it is rather speculative to calculate such percentages. But there will also be accidents in autonomous driving, but significantly less than calculated by the study.

Comment: I would like to follow this logic. In my opinion, accidents caused by alcohol, excessive speeds or driving errors can be avoided. The accumulation here listed Accident types of driving errors, disregard of the right of way, keeping your distance, excessive speed, wrong road use, overtaking and alcohol already account for 69 percent of accidents in Germany. These errors would lead to accident avoidance if the programming was carried out in accordance with the rules. If people were driving like robots, the avoidance would probably already have occurred.

About David Fluhr

I have been writing about autonomous & connected driving since 2011 and also report on it on other sites, such as the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at HU Berlin and have been a freelance journalist since 2012. Contact:

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