Separation from brand ambassador in Russia: Audi pulls the rip cord after accusation of racism

Kritische Äußerungen zu "Black Lives Matter": Xenia Sobtschak soll nicht weiter für Audi werben.


Critical comments on “Black Lives Matter”: Xenia Sobtschak should no longer advertise for Audi.

Audi is separating itself from its Russian brand ambassador, television presenter Xenia Sobtschak, who is best known in the West for her candidacy in the 2018 presidential election. The reason is alleged racist statements. “The incidents known to us today are unacceptable for us,” said the head of Integrity, Compliance, Risk Management, Werner Neuhold, on Wednesday on request. Audi strictly rejects “all forms of racism and discrimination”.

The magazine “Business Insider” had previously reported on the termination. Sobtschak is said to have commented critically on her Instagram profile about the anti-racism protests of the “Black Lives Matter” movement in the USA.

According to Audi, the company wanted to part with Sobchak before the current incidents, as it had become increasingly polarized. A verbal, regular termination of the contract had already taken place on June 16, and in view of the latest statements, the termination without notice had now been dispatched on Wednesday. Audi had worked with Sobchak for eight years.

cr / dpa

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