UK: Law on Autonomous Driving & New Offenses

The Government of Great Britain is currently reviewing an Act on Autonomous Driving on Public Roads.

The British government wants to have a law in the drawer before the autonomous driving technique is on the road. It also contemplates new criminal offenses.


To the rules up 2021 In fact, according to the British Minister of Economic Affairs, it takes years of review. The investigation is being carried out by the Law Commission of England and Wales.

The announcement, the British media, also show that it will not be long before Autonomous driving on the highway will take place. But that has to be legal system withstand that so far sees only the people in the responsibility. Thus, civil and criminal matters will be discussed in this context.

Other topics include the Car sharing, of the On-Demand Public transport service, the need for new crime and the issue of liability,

The post-Brexit strategy in the UK provides for strong technology investments. Just last month, funds totaling £ 22 million were announced for research and development projects.

Such a law exists in Germany already, but the type approvals are missing and besides that it is very spongy formulatedso that some courts will deal with it. It was flogged within months and previously demanded the Daimler boss Zetsche from the then CSU Transport Minister implementation in the last legislative period – which also happened.

source (English)
