Europa Press: Acciona workers gather in front of Nissan’s Zona Franca plant000206

The workers of Acciona Facility Services, a subcontractor of Nissan in the Barcelona plants, have concentrated this Thursday morning in front of the car factory in the Barcelona Free Zone to demand the withdrawal of the employment regulation file (ERE) for 500 workers.
The protest, which has lasted from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., has been joined by workers from Nissan and other auxiliary companies of the multinational, as explained in statements to Europa Press by the president of the works council, Manolo Núñez.
The concentrates, all of them protected with masks, have cut off street traffic in front of the main entrance to the factory for an hour.
In addition to the withdrawal of the ERE, the Acciona Facility Services workforce demands the same rights achieved by Nissan employees in their agreement with the multinational, guaranteeing that they are included in the plants reindustrilization plans and that there are no layoffs until late 2021.

This Thursday’s protest is part of the cycle of mobilizations that the workers of the Nissan subcontractor began this week, who have been on indefinite strike since Wednesday.
For next week, Acciona Facility Services employees plan to demonstrate on Tuesday afternoon in Plaça Sant Jaume in Barcelona, ​​with the aim of demanding the involvement of the Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat of Catalonia in their demands.

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