Europa Press: Volvo develops Clean Zone Multifilter technology, which improves cabin air quality000369

The automobile firm Volvo Cars has developed the Clean Zone Multifilter technology, which has a particle sensor to improve the quality of the air inside the passenger compartment, according to the company in a statement.
Volvo has stressed that its new technology includes a sensor that measures particles with a diameter of less than 2.5 microns inside the vehicle. These measurements are used to analyze air quality and indicate the amount of fine particulate matter in suspension.
“In many urban areas around the world, values ​​for particles less than 2.5 microns are higher than those recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), highlighting the need to minimize their impact”, has explained.
Available on all Volvo 90 and 60 series models from this spring, the air filter cleans the cabin of fine particles, improving air quality and reducing adverse health effects associated with pollution.
“Thanks to our technology, the air you breathe inside a Volvo is cleaner and healthier. We believe that clean air is good from both a health and safety point of view and we will continue to move on this path,” he said. claimed Anders Löfvendahl, Volvo Cars’ specialist indoor air quality technician.

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