German Manager Magazin: Opel wants to extend short-time working until the end of 2021000169

The short-time work as a result of the Corona crisis will be at the car manufacturer Opel Extended until the end of 2021 – subject to the approval of the employment agency. The management and the general works council agreed on this in a key issues paper, as the company announced on Saturday. In addition, among other things, Opel wanted to open its partial retirement program to all employees born in 1964, it said.

For so-called focus areas, Opel is examining the offer of transfer companies. The Rüsselsheim location was specifically mentioned, for example with parts storage and design. A “special program” is also planned for those born between 1961 and 1964. Opel did not give details. “Agreements on the individual points must be concluded in the next few days,” said the company. The VRM Group’s newspapers had previously reported on the agreement.

Opel recently brought redundancies into play in the event that an agreed volunteer program to cut jobs by the end of 2021 could not find the desired 2,100 participants. So far, only about 500 employees have decided to leave. Opel boss Michael Lohscheller (51) had also emphasized that he was confident that he could find good solutions with the works council.

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