Europa Press: PSA Zaragoza adjusts its production due to “prudence” given the uncertainty of the markets000904

The PSA Group plant in Figueruelas (Zaragoza) has decided to adjust its production during the month of November due to “prudence”, given the uncertainty in the markets due to the pandemic. However, these measures have no effect on factory employment and production continues in line with that recorded in the pre-COVID period.
Specifically, the two lines at the factory have been working additional shifts since July. However, in view of the restrictive measures that some European countries are taking in the face of the second wave of the pandemic, as a precaution, the suspension of the additional weekend shifts planned on line 1 for this month has been decided. Those of line 2 of the Opel Corsa are maintained – a vehicle that, in addition, is working very well in the market.
Likewise, from next week, the night shift on line 1 will not work on Sunday and Thursday for the remainder of the month. The company has conveyed that this decision is motivated by the need to adapt to a generalized context of closure of European markets, which are applying new restrictive measures to stop the second wave of the pandemic. For example, dealerships have already closed in the UK and France.
Even with this situation, the production levels of the Zaragoza plant are precovid, it continues to be produced in the three shifts. However, the current pandemic context makes the production scenario unstable, so, as events evolve, it will be necessary to use flexibility mechanisms – agreed with the representation of workers – to make production adjustments to the market requirements.

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