German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Daimler sells more Mercedes cars again for the first time in November000903

Mercedes Benz EQC 400

So far, Daimler has always sold fewer Mercedes cars this year than in the same month of the previous year.

(Photo: AFP)

Stuttgart For the first time this year, Daimler sold more cars of its core brand Mercedes-Benz in one month than in the previous year. Wholesale sales in November were a good 212,800 cars, 1.1 percent more than in November 2019, according to figures published on Friday.
So far, Daimler has always sold fewer Mercedes cars this year than in the same month of the previous year. The worst value was achieved in April with a minus of 44.5 percent as a result of the enormous effects of the corona pandemic. Over the year as a whole, Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars now has a good 1.83 million cars. Compared to 2019, that’s still a good eleven percent behind.
The small car brand Smart drove another minus in November. 4915 cars sold were 26.3 percent fewer than in the same month last year. At the same time, it was also the smallest monthly minus in 2020.
After several months of growth in a row, the vans also ended up in the red again in November – albeit only barely with 0.8 percent and 41,576 vehicles sold. Over the year, the gap to the previous year is up to a good 13 percent.

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