German Manager Magazin: The auto industry lacks chips: Peter Altmaier appeals to Taiwan000510

The lack of semiconductor products such as microchips and sensors at the German car industry has called Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (62, CDU) on the scene. As the “Saarbrücker Zeitung” reported on Saturday, the minister wrote to the Taiwanese government and asked for help in solving the current supply problems. According to the newspaper, the letter is available.

Taiwan is next China the most important manufacturing country for the semiconductor elements. The Taiwanese manufacturer TSMC is the central supplier to the German automotive industry.

In the letter to Economics Minister Wang Mei-hua (62) and Deputy Prime Minister Shen Jong-chin (69), Altmaier recalls the importance of additional semiconductor capacities for vehicle construction, according to the newspaper report. The solution to the supply problems is “of outstanding industrial policy importance” for him, since otherwise the economic corona recovery in the industry would be endangered. The German automotive sector and the industries associated with it are “very important for the revitalization of the world economy”.

The industry association VDA approached Altmaier because of the lack of chips in car production significantly impaired. The VDA announced on Tuesday that discussions were in progress with the federal government on how the situation could be defused. One of the reasons for this is the high demand for semiconductors: the auto business picked up earlier than expected after the Corona slump, while other industries such as entertainment electronics or medical technology also want to be supplied.

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