Renault and PSA hit in turn by the global semiconductor shortage

Posted on Feb 5, 2019 2021 at 16:07 Updated on Feb 5 2021 at 16:43

The semiconductor shortage continues to hit the automotive industry, and it no longer spares the French manufacturers. After having long succeeded in dodging the shutdown of production, Renault announced Friday the interruption of activity for two to three days next week at its sites in Sandouville, Tangier (Morocco, on a chain) and Pitesti (Romania ). “We pilot this subject from day to day to cushion the consequences on production as much as possible,” reports a spokesperson.

A few minutes later, PSA reported that the Opel plant in Eisenach was closed on Friday for lack of microchips, the lines in Zaragoza having been shut down for the same reason on Thursday and Friday. In Poissy too, we are closely monitoring the evolution of the crisis, and new decisions could be taken for the next few days.

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