CAR Cloud Active Reception & Samsung will be gold sponsor of the XXX Faconauto Congress & Expo

February 10, 2021
Posted by: Jorge Platero
Categories: Faconauto News, partners

CAR Cloud Active Reception & Samsung será patrocinador oro del XXX Congreso & Expo de Faconauto

On February 17 and 18, the first part of the Congress will be held virtually. In June 2021 the face-to-face part will take place.

Dealers have an appointment this February with the Faconauto Congress. The most important event in the automotive sector is about to arrive: training, leading speakers, analysis, debate … This year more than ever, due to the health situation, one of the most relevant pillars to make this Congress possible are its sponsors . In this sense, CAR Cloud Active Reception & Samsung will be a gold sponsor of the XXX Congress & Expo of Faconauto in this first online version.

This entity will participate for the first time in the Faconauto Congress. Although it should be noted that Samsung has already collaborated on other occasions with Faconauto. The technology company was present at an employers’ conference held in September where it analyzed the importance of digitization and new technologies in our sector.

CAR is an advanced Cloud system for the automotive sector that allows to streamline and optimize the entire service and customer service cycle, digitally. In addition, it offers a guided and coordinated service process, improving management, user experience and customer service.

Among other benefits, this Samsung system has a digital calendar; online dating; direct access to all customer and license plate data; recording of performances by voice recorder; notices to resume deferred sales; visual inspection of the vehicle with photos, videos and audios; digital signature…

An open and free event

The great novelty of the February sessions is that they will be open and free of charge for everyone who wants to register. “In the situation in which we live, so strange and changing, the need for information and training is more important than ever to address recovery. To impact more people and accelerate the necessary changes, we have opted for this open format. We hope to bring together thousands of congressmen and be the great online event that brings together the sector ”, explains Marta Blázquez, Executive Vice President of Faconauto.

The February event will focus on education and training. Responding to the spirit that Congress has always had, and trying to put dealers in touch with those trends that help them boost their businesses. Thus, during two days about twenty workshops will be given led by the collaborators and trainers of the Faconauto University.

Remember! See you on February 17 and 18 virtually. Missing 6 days.

Sign up here

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