Audio Interview: International WFH Options for Automotive Industry Professionals

Detroit:’s latest Audio Interview “International WFH Options for Automotive Industry Professionals” features Allen C. Koski. Koski is President of Insured Nomads, the first insurtech in global benefits. Previously Koski was a Senior Vice President at United Healthcare Global and prior to that instrumental in the growth and development of Cigna Global in roles that ranged across sales and sales leadership.

In the 13-minute Audio Interview, Koski discusses these questions:

  • With vaccines coming, what have you heard on “vaccine passports”?
  • What early trends are you seeing in remote workers relative to their employee status? Are corporations supporting ongoing remote work post Covid?
  • What exactly is a Digital Nomad Visa? Why is this an important development?
  • How has the employee supply chain been changed by the pandemic? What is the future of global trade?
  • Are employees and workers now communicating differently post pandemic?

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