Aspects that the customer values ​​the most about the dealer’s commercials

May 25, 2021
Posted by: Jorge Platero
Category: Faconauto News

Aspectos que más valora el cliente de los comerciales del concesionario

Among other qualities, consumers highlight a positive attitude, a presentation of the facilities or contact after purchasing the vehicle.

Consumer habits have changed rapidly. The digital channel has gained weight and visits to dealerships have dropped significantly. However, the physical point remains elementary for the final decision making. Here the dealership professionals they play a very important role in generating a good buyer experience. For this reason, it is revealing to know the aspects that the client values ​​the most of the commercials of the concession.

According to a study carried out by JudgeService, one of the aspects that consumers like the most is that the salesperson has a positive and proactive attitude. That is to say, that it constantly shows the opportunities of the purchase or the service that the client is looking for; and offer solutions to problems that may arise.

Other highlights for buyers were a good presentation of the facilities and services at the dealership; respect for current social distancing measures; establish a cordial conversation with the salesperson where trust is the basis of it …

On the other hand, among the points that buyers indicate as something negative about the commercial is:

Ignorance of some aspects of the vehicle
Lack of contact after buying the car
Less interest at the time of delivery of the car once the purchase is made.

Attention, an essential part of the shopping experience

“The vast majority of dealerships provide excellent customer service. Buying a car is a very important time for most people. And in this process, the salesperson is an essential part of your experience. Doing it well means that the dealership will be rewarded by customers as they will become promoters when they talk to family and friends ”, they explain from JudgeService.

Finally, they recommend not losing contact with the customer once the purchase is completed. They say there is a basic rule that buyers must be contacted within the first three days of a purchase and then after three weeks.

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