Why Tesla has plummeted since the start of the year

Trees don’t rise to the sky, investors who bet on Tesla earlier this year have realized the hard way. The stock market price of the darling of Wall Street in 2020 , which had been multiplied by 8 between March and December, has continued to decline since early 2021. It fell from $ 880 in January to $ 572 on June 3: a drop of 35%. In five months, its market capitalization has plummeted by $ 300 billion! Or, roughly speaking, the equivalent of European heavyweights in the Volkswagen sector, Stellantis and Daimler combined.

Is the honeymoon between Tesla and the Stock Exchange over? “We have to put it into perspective: at 550 billion dollars, Tesla’s capitalization is still nearly twice that of the world’s number one car manufacturer in terms of volumes, Toyota », Recalls an analyst. It prevents. Something has changed in the market perception of Elon Musk’s firm.

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