German Handelsblatt: Daimler: Mercedes streamlines sales network: branches in England, Spain and Belgium are for sale002191

Mercedes-Benz showroom in Munich

In Germany, Daimler is not planning any further reductions in the remaining locations for the time being, according to company sources.

(Photo: Bloomberg)

Munich Daimler boss Ola Källenius continues to trim the carmaker for returns. His latest plan: The Swede wants to significantly reduce the number of group sales outlets in Europe in order to cut fixed costs. Specifically, the front man of the Mercedes manufacturer intends to sell the car branches in Great Britain, Spain and Belgium, the Handelsblatt learned from corporate circles.
Daimler has more than 25 retail stations and workshops in the three markets. These are now to be passed on to independent dealer groups or investors. According to industry circles, the Stuttgart Dax group could earn 30 to 40 million euros per branch. In total, income of up to one billion euros from the sale of the distribution companies would be conceivable.

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