Forecasts for the second part of 2021: collaboration between companies, a key factor to overcome new challenges

June 18, 2021
Posted by: Jorge Platero
Category: Faconauto News

Previsiones para la segunda parte de 2021: la colaboración entre empresas, un factor clave para superar los nuevos retos

Manheim Spain has listed the main conclusions at the European level of the forecasts released by Cox Automotive.

The second half of 2021 presents important trends for dealers. Some of them are the increase in mileage and seniority averages; and the increased demand for used vehicles. Manheim Spain has analyzed the forecasts provided by Cox Automotive, reaching a conclusion: collaboration between companies will be a key factor.

Proof of the above trends is that the average mileage of the used vehicle sold in Europe increased by 9% in the month of May. The average age also grew (+ 11%) across the continent. Although in Spain these growths are not so high, there is a tendency to take into account.

“We cannot ignore the upward trend of this indicator also in our country, although at the moment it does not have an important reflection on our sales. We have always proposed the young used vehicle as the most effective solution to rejuvenate the fleet and reduce emissions ”, says María Jesús Vallejo, Head of Communication & Marketing at Manheim Spain.

The semiconductor shortage

Another major challenge for distributors this year is the semiconductor chip crisis. “On Manheim Spain We believe that the semiconductor shortage may be even more damaging to professionals than the effects of the pandemic itself. We may find that some manufacturers have to decide between producing cars or light commercial vehicles. We believe that these new challenges that we are experiencing in both new and used vehicles will continue throughout 2021 ”.

Similarly, the company chooses to remain positive and reassuring for dealers. They invite you to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitization and collaborate between companies. “If we make the most of digitization to design processes, we will be minimizing the impact generated by the pandemic and more recently by the shortage of semiconductors. Especially, I want to say that all those dealers who need support can go to Manheim Spain. Our team of professionals will analyze your specific case and give you our expert advice ”.

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