MG will expand its network of dealers in Spain this year and will arrive in Galicia and Asturias in 2022

June 18, 2021
Posted by: Jorge Platero
Category: Faconauto News

MG ampliará su red de concesionarios en España este año y llegará a Galicia y Asturias en 2022

The British brand opts for a traditional business model and hopes to expand throughout Spain by the end of the year.

MG has announced that it will continue to expand its dealer network throughout Spain. By the end of the year, the automaker plans to complete the entire geography of the country. This is stated by its vice president for Spain and Portugal, Pedro García. He has also explained that a traditional distribution business model has been chosen with a network of physical dealers.

“We have completed a first phase of network development at points where electricity sales are concentrated. Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Gerona and Palma de Mallorca. In the second phase we have already named fourteen points of sale and we will be in Bilbao, San Sebastián, Vitoria, Pamplona, ​​Burgos, Valladolid, Málaga, Seville, Córdoba, Alicante, Murcia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas ”, explains Pedro Garcia.

Likewise, at the beginning of next year a third phase will be carried out, with points of sale in Galicia and Asturias.

Electrification and experience

García has underlined that for the development of this network he has counted on distribution groups with proven experience.

“When we started this project a year ago, I started with a blank piece of paper, which I drew the map of Spain and wrote: who do I want to work with in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia…? After this letter to the Magi, we worked on how to attract them. We made them a business case with product, margins … and we gave them the confidence to believe the numbers. We work with solvent groups that know that the electric market is going to grow and have opted for MG ”, adds the vice president of the British car manufacturer.

The brand, which began its second commercial career in Spain three months ago after its bankruptcy in 2005, imports its vehicles from China and has focused especially on electrification.

All its models compatible with MOVES III

It currently sells the MG ZS electric and MG EHS plug-in hybrid SUVs. In the coming months it will incorporate the high-performance Marvel R electric SUV and the familiar MG 5, also electric.

All its models are compatible for the Moves III aid plan, which offers between 2,500 and 7,000 euros to help with the purchase of this type of vehicle. A program that MG has decided to advance to its buyers, through a zero-rate loan that will not be

return until they collect the subsidy from the respective autonomous community. Thus, the only brand that has configured this product in its entire range of models.

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