German Handelsblatt: Supply of semiconductors: signals for a turnaround in the chip shortage: VW and Daimler employ thousands of seasonal workers

Volkswagen production in Emden

The Wolfsburg-based company was unable to produce several 100,000 cars this year because of the shortage of chips.

(Photo: dpa)

Munich, Düsseldorf The warning from VW’s purchasing director Murat Aksel could not have been more urgent: “We are facing the toughest six weeks,” he said in an interview with Handelsblatt in mid-June. What was meant was the global shortage of chips, which has been causing production downtimes throughout the automotive industry since the beginning of the year. In Emden, for example, Volkswagen has to work short-time again this week.
The Wolfsburg-based company has already lost several 100,000 cars this year due to the shortage of chips. But now there are the first signs of a trend reversal. “The very great shortage of semiconductors is gradually disappearing. The supply situation will improve after the summer, ”predicts Stefan Bratzel, Director of the Center of Automotive Management (CAM).

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