German Handelsblatt: Battery manufacturer: Cell factory in Bitterfeld wobbles: Daimler partner Farasis is struggling with serious problems002429

Munich Battery cells for electric cars are a scarce commodity. The car manufacturer Daimler therefore obtains the coveted goods from a large number of suppliers such as the South Korean groups LG Chem and SK Innovation.
The Mercedes manufacturer maintains a particularly close alliance with two suppliers from China, which goes far beyond a traditional purchasing relationship. On the one hand this is the market leader CATL, on the other hand the comparatively small provider Farasis Energy.
Both partners have big plans in Germany to meet the growing demand from major customers like Daimler for lithium-ion cells. Specifically, CATL is building a Gigafactory and Farasis at the Erfurt Kreuz in Bitterfeld-Wolfen.
But both projects are behind schedule. While CATL is currently only a few months behind schedule and should start production in Thuringia in mid-2022, Farasis is struggling with far more serious problems.

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