Is the automotive sector ready to face the transition to the electric vehicle?

23 August, 2021
Posted by: Jorge Platero
Category: Faconauto News

¿Está listo el sector de la automoción para afrontar la transición hacia el vehículo eléctrico?

Despite the increase in sales, more needs to be done to attract consumers and meet the targets set for the coming years.

Car Dealer Magazine has analyzed in a special article how it is today the transition to the electric vehicle. In general, he points out that although a slight increase in sales is being experienced, there is still much to do to make this alternative a reality. Therefore, they provide some keys to prepare the dealer in this process.

“While the EV segment is undoubtedly growing rapidly, it still does not account for the majority of new vehicle sales. Even their sales are residual ”. Argues Philip Nothar, director of information and strategy of Cox Automotive.

Barriers that stand in the way of the massive purchase of electric vehicles

They set an example for the US market. They explain that although the units sold have increased in recent months, compared to the rest of combustions they are still not relevant data. This is due, according to Cox Automotive, to the lack of knowledge that users still have of the electric car and their perception of the high cost.

“Many drivers still need more convincing to go electric, along with better financial incentives and information,” they say.

More than half of drivers expect their next vehicle to be electric

However, according to a recent consumer survey of 1,500 drivers conducted by data specialist firm Regit, in collaboration with Cox Automotive, 56% of respondents would consider an electric vehicle for their next vehicle purchase.

On the other hand, the survey also revealed that 92% expressed concern about current charging infrastructures and the cost of new electric vehicles.

However, the fact that more and more drivers are considering them as their next purchase shows a change in awareness and attitude. Still, there is more work to be done to convert potential consumers into buyers by 2030.

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