German Handelsblatt: Klimawende: Because they do not guarantee that the combustion engine will be switched off by 2030: Umwelthilfe sued BMW and Mercedes002974


The conversion to alternative drives is not going fast enough for environmentalists.

(Photo: dpa)

Düsseldorf Because the auto industry has not responded to their demands, the German Environmental Aid (DUH) has now officially filed a lawsuit against BMW and the Daimler subsidiary Mercedes. “It happened exactly as we thought it would,” said DUH lawyer Remo Klinger in an interview with the Handelsblatt.
On Monday evening, the complaints went out to the regional courts in Munich and Stuttgart. The climate law expert is confident that oral negotiations could start next year. The lawsuit against the oil and gas group Wintershall is still in preparation, but will also be brought to the Kassel regional court in a timely manner. “Companies can very well lose such a lawsuit. You saw that at Shell, ”says Klinger with conviction.

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