German Handelsblatt: Truck manufacturer: In 2030, Daimler Truck wants to sell more trucks with electric drives in Europe than with combustion engines

Electric Mercedes-Benz eActros truck

According to Daimler Truck boss Martin Daum, the manufacturer is severely affected by the shortages in semiconductor products.

(Photo: dpa)

Stuttgart The truck manufacturer Daimler Truck is severely reducing the proportion of conventional internal combustion engines to reduce climate-damaging CO2 emissions. “In 2030, we want to sell more electric trucks in Europe than non-electric ones,” said board member Karin Rådström on Tuesday at an online event with a view to Mercedes-Benz trucks. During the transition, the manufacturer is relying on battery-electric and hydrogen-powered commercial vehicles. There is still a lot to do, said the manager, naming the infrastructure and “reliable legal framework”.
The EU Commission increased the pressure on the industry a good two months ago. The authority wants to stipulate that greenhouse gas emissions from new light commercial vehicles should fall by 50 percent by 2030 compared to 2021. The plans within the framework of the so-called Green Deal still have to be approved by the EU states.

Daimler truck is to be spun off from the car company Daimler and put on the stock exchange separately. According to the company, Daimler shareholders will decide on this at a general meeting on October 1. According to Daimler Truck boss Martin Daum, the manufacturer is severely affected by the shortages in semiconductor products. Daum recently told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” that numerous, still unfinished vehicles were produced on the dump. As a company spokesman said, these vehicles are urgently needed by customers.
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